Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Crucifixion

The Crucifixion

I blithely go on and on about “but, I want MORE of God.” Then I am reminded of the crucifixion. How much “more” could I want?? My mind does not “like” being reminded of the horror of what Jesus went through, so my thoughts gloss over it. I’m 2,000 years removed from the event, and from such a distance can often view it dispassionately.

But, it was real, and Christ went through each moment of it willingly, step by step, even knowing in advance what would happen.

Fire fighters will willingly rush into a burning building to save another, but they believe they themselves will come through with little or no harm. They don’t stop and think it through, thinking they will have great pain and then die, before they rush inside. They rely on training, and go without thinking.

If given the option, many might step in front of their child and take a bullet or a car heading for their child. Very few would do that for a stranger. But again, the decision was not made in a quiet moment of thought, with purpose behind it.

But, Christ did. From childhood on, especially during the few years of public ministry, He always knew what was eventually coming. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He asked the Father to please, not need Him to go through with Plan A. However, knowing what was coming, He serenely walked out and accepted, doing the will of the Father.

Even while Christ was hanging on that cross, in agony, the soldier offered wine with gall to help deaden the pain. He accepted each drop of His pain, not softening it with a drug. People shouted and scoffed at Him. Only Christ would still willingly go through with it, for them, and say, “Father, forgive them.“ He could have said, “Game over. I’m done,” and leave. Knowing He could, He still remained there until death itself claimed Him.

He did it for each of us, knowing we would mess up;, and not appreciate it to its fullest. He knew we would shy away from truly seeing and realizing what it was that He did, in love. That’s how “personal” He meant it to be!

Each Sunday we take Holy Communion, “in remembrance” of the freely-given body and blood of Jesus Christ, we realize He did it for us. That’s how much He loves us, and wants us to live eternally with Him.

How could we not believe? How could we ever treat it so lightly?

“Love so amazing, so Devine, demands my soul, my life, my all.”

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