Monday, December 30, 2013

All Things New
New Year's Day is just around the corner. We are often led to believe that with the new year comes new beginnings. Time for new diets, new ways of behaving, new higher thoughts.

May I suggest we keep the old ...

God is, as a friend would put it, "Older than dirt." ... I definitely need to keep Him in my thoughts.
Jesus was born over 2000 years ago ... I want to keep Him in my heart.
Several years ago, I began a scheduled Quiet Time of reading the Bible, praying, journaling, going through motivational (Christian) readings. In doing so, I have grown a more personal relationship with God ... I plan to keep this as well!

Perhaps in keeping the old, I will at least contemplate the new:
New diet of mediations; newer, refreshing of my prayer life; renewed thoughts of praise, and delving further in how I intend to please Him.

And another old thought:  May I wish you a most blessed New Year!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What Is It About?

What is it about this babe in the hay

That we should love Him so?

I ask, “Is He just an innocent Child,

Or does He mean so much more?”

What is it about this man on the road,

That others should flock to Him?

I ask, “Is it just the healing He does,

Or is it the words He speaks?”

What is it about that man on the cross,

That others despise Him so?

I ask, “Is He just the King of the Jews,

Or is He the Son of God?”

Monday, December 23, 2013

Psalm of Gratitude

Hear, O God of all nations,

Hear as we sing of your glory.

We praise you, O Lord.

Your river of grace overflows our banks.

In gratitude we sing to you.

In gratitude we praise you, O Lord.          Selah!

Though all life is not peaceful

Still we thank you for pockets of peace.

Though anxious thoughts press upon us

Still we know you are in ultimate control.

Though beset with problems at every turn

Still we praise you, our Rock, and our Redeemer.

Because of you we live,

We breathe,

We have our being.

Because of you our souls rejoice.       Selah!

Blessed are those

Who acknowledge their dependence

On the God of all nations.

May our gratitude rise to you

On the incense of our actions.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Are You the One

      (to the tune of Finlandia)
Are You the One, or shall we seek another?
Are You the One, or just a holy man?
How will we know, how we can love each other?
How can we now prepare ourselves for Thee?
O Lord, our God, the nations, ever warring,
Refuse to know what we, ourselves, can’t see,
How can we help the nations see their weakness
When all they think is “self“, and never Thee?

When You return, O Lord, in pow’r and Glory,
There’ll be no time to ask it then of Thee.
Are You the One, the One we’ve been expecting?
And how shall we prepare ourselves for Thee?
If you’re the One, we seek Thy tender mercies.
But, dare we ask, when we refuse to see,
When yet we know how sinful we are being;
When all we think is “self” and never Thee!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


A favorite song of this Advent season goes:
A Voice cries out,
prepare the way of the Lord.
Make straight the highway of our God."
John the Baptist cried out, "Repent! He is near!"
Two thousand years ago, most Jews believed His coming would transform the political situation by overthrowing oppression.  But, Christ arrived, desiring to transform US!  He came to free the prisoner ... not from jail, but from sin. He came to heal the brokenness ... not of bones, but of spirit. He came to change lives ... from self-centeredness to a focus on helping others. He cam to overthrow the oppression of the soul!
Does His advent still speak to today's world?  A resounding, YES!
Again, not politically, but as release from anything that binds us, keeping us from fullness of life.
We are called to "make straight all the crooked places." The nearness of God's reign still brings healing to broken lives. We are called to repent, and to stop waiting. Be God's transforming agent of healing in the world. The word "follow" is an active verb.
As Wm. Barclay wrote: "Keep us from everything that would make us difficult to live with today."
Prepare! He is coming! Watch for Him!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Windmills of Hope

          I love this landscape of the windmills along the sand dunes of California. The dunes look bleak, but the rail along the edge of the highway, and the windmills, speak of human habitation.
          I took the photo the week of my sister Bea's funeral. The bleak scene definitely fit my mood that day, yet the windmills reminded me to keep moving along. Those puffs of white in that great blue sky told me, God is indeed still evident, and is always watching over us.
          We are never so far from God's love that He will forget about us. And isn't that amazing? The God of the Universe is "there" ... in whatever situation we find ourselves. Not only is He present, but He also CARES!
          May you find joy and peace in His watchful love!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's Coming!

Surrender to the Silence, the new book (of devotional poetry), will be here soon. I received word that the publishing date has been set: November 15th.

Surrender to the silence.

Listen to the pulse of wonder.

Diffuse the shadows of the darkness.

Life is more than merely living.

Yep, that says it! 

Hopefully what I write brings a "pulse of wonder," and "diffuses shadows" from your life.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Finding God's Presence

Waking Up in Heaven is a “true story of brokenness, heaven, and life again” by Crystal McVea and Alex Tresniowski. Crystal’s life was, as she thought, “beyond the reach of God.” That was before her 9 minutes of death, when she experienced God’s Presence.

Upon her “return”, Crystal was led by God to “Tell everything you remember,” which led to telling everything she remembers … her abuse, self-destructive moments, her doubts, and her hopelessness.

Crystal’s firm belief is that one does not have to die in order to find God’s presence. “All you have to do to be in God’s presence is choose Him.” Her description of the overwhelming LOVE of God deeply moved me.

I choose to believe!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I love this photo I took in California ... from the car. I use it as my computer's background cover.
For one thing, the hills of shifting sand. Peaceful, able to be moved by the wind of God. There are times I can relate to that.

Other times I can relate to the barren look. Mostly that happens when I turn away from God. Those times, I feel like the windmills, turning restlessly with whatever comes along.

The overarching blue, with clouds, remind me God is always over me; His Spirit walks with me. I am never out of His sight or His ability to change my circumstances.

Even as a windmill, I am rooted, rock deep, in His love! The guardrail, my Protector, keeps me on my road.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Surrender to the Silence

Praises! After about a half-hour phone call this morning, I have decided to sign with a Publishing Company for my new book, Surrender to the Silence. It is expected to be out early in November.

Monday, July 29, 2013


I am TIRED of those who belittle Christians! Seems that is a new national pastime.
Christ said Christians would be scoffed at, thought little of, downright persecuted.
(Though I really can't say I've been persecuted!)
All the Christians I know attempt to do RIGHT in the world.
(Too bad there are so few Christians working on that.)

Those too busy being idle

Point their fingers in derision,

Laughing at the efforts

Of Christians.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Use Me

 reprinted from  Devo’Zine N/D ‘04

Here am I, use me.

I am not as I should be,

and I don’t always show the world I am Yours.

I shy away from witnessing.

Yet, here am I, use me.

Do I love you enough?

Never enough!

I fall from Your path,

Yet, here am I, use me.

Lord, I am not the best instrument you could use.

Nevertheless … here am I, use me.

Use me anyway, in any way.


Monday, June 17, 2013

I Was Walking

                                              (tune of “Come Thou Font of Every Blessing.)


I was walking with my Savior

In the garden through the blooms

He was telling of His mansion …

That’s the one with many rooms.

He invited me to live there

With the Father from Above.

I’m excited! I accepted.

I will follow Him in love.

I will follow Christ, my Bridegroom.

With the Spirit I will sing,

I will dance, and I will praise Him

As He fits me with His ring:

Ring of substance, ring of promise,

Ring of hope eternally.

For His blessing and His honor,

I submit on bended knee.

I’m convinced that there is nothing,

Here on earth or Heaven above,

Nothing that can separate me

From my Savior’s holy love.

So I’ll bow down, and I’ll worship

‘Til my life on earth is done.

Then I’ll go to meet my Savior

When my Crown of Life is won.



Friday, June 7, 2013

Fifty - three


Thank You, Lord,

for 53 years together!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cut Off At The Top

Have you ever felt "Cut Off From the Top?"

     One thing, I was unable to get on to post anything new. Somehow, I was no longer recognized as the author of this blog. (Not Funny!)
     A friend tried helping me set up a brand new blog on WordPress, but being "cut off from the top" here meant that I am SO  NOT  a computer person. Being told to "play with it," once I had a spot on WordPress, was pretty intimidating. I tried. Honest, I tried!!
     So, another friend tried helping me re-connect with BlogSpot. He explained how I could work on getting back onto the site, and able to find out the elusive password. Again, "cut off from the top".  I tried.  Honest, I tried!!
     Found a phone number to call ... and "cut off from the top" this time? The phone line (probably to Andy in India) was cutting out, and we couldn't have a conversation long enough for him to understand what my need was.
     So, looked for another site .. an online site .. This time, "cut off from the top" meant another $$$ to have about 250 "cancer cells" deleted from my computer.

     BUT .... I am now standing AT the top of my computer-problem mountain! I was able to sign on to BlogSpot and immediately able to re-post ... without signing in with another password, either!
     More important: I feel I have been AT the top of my personal mountain during my morning conversations with God. He was in control ... I did not lose my cool these past several months. I just kept plugging away. I did not make an audible gasp when told the price of my computer help. I waited (actually, quite patiently) the two plus hours it took the distant computer professional genius to clean up the computer files. And, I am sitting here, totally pleased with the results.

Thank You, Lord!!!


Friday, April 26, 2013

Lord, You Called Me

Lord, You Called Me

Lord, You called me. Help me answer.
Help me listen to Your call.
When You strum upon my heart strings,
Let me join Your Heavenly choir.

With Your help, I’ll answer, “Yes, Lord”
When You call me, I will stand.
When You beckon, I’ll come running,
Reaching out to grasp Your hand.

Send me forth, Lord, let me serve You.
Show me where You want me now.
Those who need me, in what manner?
Help me understand Your call.

Let me live the life worth living,
Dancing, singing, I will pray.
Ever praising Christ, my Savior,
God Who leads from day to day.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

Lord, He was
Belittled, insulted,
Mocked and tormented,
Betrayed by His friends.

He obeyed.
Hungry were fed as
Your will had requested;
But, still they despised.

There he hung,
Flogged and abandoned.
He died on that cross, for
Your will had been done.

Lord, I know,
Now and forever
I’ve life everlasting
In heaven with You.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


As servant of my Lord,
May I wash your feet?

I dip the bitter herb of sin
Into salty tears
Of regret
Of shame.

I taste sweet charoset
Of fruit
Of joys
Of blessings given.

Unleavened bread -
Your body
Bread from heaven,
Manna -
Is dipped in pungent spices
Of hate
Of curses
Of betrayal.

Forgiving wine,
Your blood,
Prepares a place for me
In Heaven -
Where loved ones abide,
And wait.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Crucifixion

The Crucifixion

I blithely go on and on about “but, I want MORE of God.” Then I am reminded of the crucifixion. How much “more” could I want?? My mind does not “like” being reminded of the horror of what Jesus went through, so my thoughts gloss over it. I’m 2,000 years removed from the event, and from such a distance can often view it dispassionately.

But, it was real, and Christ went through each moment of it willingly, step by step, even knowing in advance what would happen.

Fire fighters will willingly rush into a burning building to save another, but they believe they themselves will come through with little or no harm. They don’t stop and think it through, thinking they will have great pain and then die, before they rush inside. They rely on training, and go without thinking.

If given the option, many might step in front of their child and take a bullet or a car heading for their child. Very few would do that for a stranger. But again, the decision was not made in a quiet moment of thought, with purpose behind it.

But, Christ did. From childhood on, especially during the few years of public ministry, He always knew what was eventually coming. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He asked the Father to please, not need Him to go through with Plan A. However, knowing what was coming, He serenely walked out and accepted, doing the will of the Father.

Even while Christ was hanging on that cross, in agony, the soldier offered wine with gall to help deaden the pain. He accepted each drop of His pain, not softening it with a drug. People shouted and scoffed at Him. Only Christ would still willingly go through with it, for them, and say, “Father, forgive them.“ He could have said, “Game over. I’m done,” and leave. Knowing He could, He still remained there until death itself claimed Him.

He did it for each of us, knowing we would mess up;, and not appreciate it to its fullest. He knew we would shy away from truly seeing and realizing what it was that He did, in love. That’s how “personal” He meant it to be!

Each Sunday we take Holy Communion, “in remembrance” of the freely-given body and blood of Jesus Christ, we realize He did it for us. That’s how much He loves us, and wants us to live eternally with Him.

How could we not believe? How could we ever treat it so lightly?

“Love so amazing, so Devine, demands my soul, my life, my all.”

Sunday, February 24, 2013

In This Season of Lent

In This Season of Lent

(Jeremiah 31:19)

I strayed, and finally repented, O Lord.
Understanding, I beat at my breast.
Ashamed, humbled, and penitent,
I bear disgrace from my youth.

In this season of Lent, please help us remember,
Not only the death of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
But His resurrection, and return to the throne room
To sit at the right hand of God.

I pray, I confess, I repent, O my Lord.
Daily, I sin against You.
Hour by hour? No, moment by moment,
I disappoint and offend.

My merciful Lord sacrificed His own Son.
My sin was a nail in His cross.
What was God’s purpose for passion and suff’ring?
He wanted His children restored!

In this season of Lent, please help us remember,
Not only the death of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
But His resurrection, and return to the throne room
To sit at the right hand of God.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bloom Where You Are Planted

"God has put you exactly where He needs you.
"You are fulfilling His purpose every day."

Others may benefit from your actions,
but let God be the reason you acted!

God observes,
and appreciates
your efforts.

Isn't that enough?