Friday, February 14, 2014

Another Chance

Another Chance

Today You presented me
With another chance to witness.
The man sat at a nearby table.
“I’ll be coming back to church. Soon,” he said.
I smiled. But, I was busy at the time.

I hadn’t recognized him before he spoke,
But then I remembered his chattiness.
As I said,
I was too busy at the time.

Tomorrow, when I say, “Lord, Lord,”
Will You be too busy at the time?
Will you smile, but say,
“I do not know you?”

Give me another chance, Lord.
Help me to take the time.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Twenty-Third Psalm

23rd. Psalm

When betrayed, or afraid,

Heartbroken and crumbling,

Hunted, and haunted…

My Lord comforts me.

Not all that I wish for,

Nor all I could covet,

But all that I need

To be satisfied.

The Lord is my Shepherd,

My Rock, my salvation.

He’s all I could want,

And He IS my all!