Wednesday, April 16, 2014

You Were Scourged!

You Were Scourged! Jesus, You were scourged! Not “merely” whipped, But severely beaten. Not with a single strand, But nine, each imbedded, Designed to inflict the most pain, To tear off the flesh --Your flesh-- Strip by strip by bit by bit. It was there Your royal blood flowed. There, in the courtyard, At that whipping post, With others nearby, eating, And smiling Or ignoring Your agony. And all for me! O Lord, forgive me! And You reply, “Father, Forgive.” And through Your pain --You smile at me.

Monday, April 14, 2014

What Was It Like?

What Was It Like? What was it like To be one of the crowd Following Jesus -- A “Groupie”; Hearing the words, “Repent! Be forgiven!” And “Blessed be those Who believe.” What was it like On the outskirts of town When Jesus rode past On that colt? Shouting, “Hosanna!” And “Blessed art Thou!” Throwing our garments Before Him. Then, days later, Being one of the crowd, Shouting with others, “Crucify!” Scourged and beaten, Jesus carried that cross; Hung, bled, and died there. Forgiving.

Thursday, March 20, 2014



                                                     I  am  YOURS!

                                             I yield myself - entirely - to Your will.

                                      Work in me all the good pleasure of Your will,

                                                 and I will trust YOU --


I found words to this effect during my Quiet Time this morning (by Hannah Whithall Smith). It was suggested one say them daily, many times a day, until you are living them.  I have since printed this on cards to place in areas of the home where I will often see them. I put one in my purse, one in my "work-bag," others in my area for Quiet Time, by my computer, where I read for pleasure, in the kitchen, etc. Just thought you might like to give yourself as well.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I Will Not Be Silent

I Will Not Be Silent, Praying the Psalms
I still love this cover!  That brave single bloom, coming out into the grass of the world, announcing to all that I Will NOT Be Silent!   I WILL bloom where I am.

That's what I hope & pray that I am doing. I have been planted here, and I will announce to the world my love for God! He is the One who planted me. He is the One who has nurtured me. He is the One who developed my love of words. He is the One who pours out His blessings on me, day after day after day!

During my morning Quiet Time, while reading my Bible, meditating, and praying, He shows me "interesting snippets." Then it is His Spirit that will take those snippets and develop them into full-blown devotional poetry. Nothing that I do is my own. He who created me also created my abilities. He opens my heart and mind, and pours the words through my pen. I can but thank and praise Him for all He has allowed me to do!

I Will Not Be Silent, Praying the Psalms  By Sharon D. Dexter
Available at:, and

Friday, February 14, 2014

Another Chance

Another Chance

Today You presented me
With another chance to witness.
The man sat at a nearby table.
“I’ll be coming back to church. Soon,” he said.
I smiled. But, I was busy at the time.

I hadn’t recognized him before he spoke,
But then I remembered his chattiness.
As I said,
I was too busy at the time.

Tomorrow, when I say, “Lord, Lord,”
Will You be too busy at the time?
Will you smile, but say,
“I do not know you?”

Give me another chance, Lord.
Help me to take the time.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Twenty-Third Psalm

23rd. Psalm

When betrayed, or afraid,

Heartbroken and crumbling,

Hunted, and haunted…

My Lord comforts me.

Not all that I wish for,

Nor all I could covet,

But all that I need

To be satisfied.

The Lord is my Shepherd,

My Rock, my salvation.

He’s all I could want,

And He IS my all!