Monday, July 29, 2013


I am TIRED of those who belittle Christians! Seems that is a new national pastime.
Christ said Christians would be scoffed at, thought little of, downright persecuted.
(Though I really can't say I've been persecuted!)
All the Christians I know attempt to do RIGHT in the world.
(Too bad there are so few Christians working on that.)

Those too busy being idle

Point their fingers in derision,

Laughing at the efforts

Of Christians.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Use Me

 reprinted from  Devo’Zine N/D ‘04

Here am I, use me.

I am not as I should be,

and I don’t always show the world I am Yours.

I shy away from witnessing.

Yet, here am I, use me.

Do I love you enough?

Never enough!

I fall from Your path,

Yet, here am I, use me.

Lord, I am not the best instrument you could use.

Nevertheless … here am I, use me.

Use me anyway, in any way.