Psalm 107: 43 (NLT) "Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord."
This was written about the early Israelities. Their history abunds with the faithful love of Yaweh. Through Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David ... on in a direct line to Jesus.
Is it any the less true of our own country? We began with colonists seeking freedom of religion. Individuials wished to worship God in ways that were most meaningful to them.
The Declaration of Independence states that we are endowed by God with certain inalienable rights. The Constitutiion discusses freedom of religion, and separation of the rule of the nation from the church. The pledge to the flag says we are "One nation, under God."
Our history began with men who held to strong Christian values. The strength of our nation is punctuated with events clearly filled with God's faithful love.
While the Israelites remained faithful, their nation prospered. When their leaders followed God's lead, they were successful.But as the Israelities fell away, as their leaders followed other gods, their nation declined.
The leaders in the United States have frequently come close to denying God's exixtence. There is a trend regarding omitting the "One nation, under God." from the pledge. Christians have become a minority. It has become fashionable to bash Christianity as "narrow-minded." Christians are scorned, and considered "non-PC" (not "politically correct").
And that is the problem. "Political" sems to be the operative word in today's world. The word LORD has bcome the new four-letter curse.
Our nation is declining. Are we all asleep?