Monday, April 23, 2012

The Lord's Plans

The Lord’s Plans

(Jeremiah 29)

“Now hear of the plans that

I have for your life,” said

My Master and Savior.

“I’ve no plan to harm you,

But plans for great hope, and

A prosperous future.

“Come call upon Me, and

Please lift up your prayers, for

I’m waiting to listen.”

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

God's Promise

I view this picture as both God's anger and His promise.

The rumbles of thunder were fierce. Sky went from sunset colors to dark within moments. Then, this huge, dark cloud appeared. God's anger. I quickly drove into a parking lot in order to grab my camera. By that time it had already changed character, and whitened. At first I'd thought I was taking a picture of that light cloud in the darkened sky, which in itself looked amazing, as if God had changed His mind. "His anger is but for a moment."

It was after I'd lowered the camera that I saw the rainbow reaching down. God's promise remembered.