Thursday, December 27, 2012

Not Enough?

Not Enough?

I met my friends for caroling.
Music soaring, smiles beguiling,
We wove our way from room to room,
Ushering in the Christmas spirit.
Later, over our hot chocolate,
Friends exclaimed their satisfaction.
But, I found no joy ---
It was not enough.

Trimmed the house with silver tinsel.
Strung the lights with wild abandon.
Wrapped the gifts in bright red papers,
Then tagged, and placed the bows with care.
Sat, enjoying Christmas goodies,
Breathing Christmas-time aromas.
But, I found no joy ---
It was not enough.

Family came to share the season.
Children laughed, awaiting Santa.
In the morning, gifts all opened,
Papers strewn, and bows akimbo,
“Thank you, Santa,” the children shout.
Later, after Christmas dinner,
Together, there’s joy ---
But still, not enough.

Hollow hopes and fantasies are
Not enough to tide us over.
What is Christmas, without Jesus?
What is life, without the Christ Child?
Worship Jesus Christ forever,
Knowing that He came to save us,
What else could we need?
He’s more than enough!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


My mind is a jumble, Lord.
I do not worship as I ought.
     A buzzing fly pulls my mind away,
     a tickle in the throat requires attention.
I need a pillow behind my back.
Oh! I've a cramp in my big toe!
A chill down the spine,
     the laughter of children outside ....
Distractions, Lord.
     Distractions have come between us.

Free my mind, Lord.
Help me concentrate, deeply,
     on You alone.
May my entire being
     be open only to Your presence.
Fill me with Your glory, Lord.
Let nothing else penetrate
     my absolute consciousness
     of You.

Then will I worship truly, Lord,
     my song rising like incense.
May the aroma of my love
     please You.
May I be ever-faithful
     to my ever-faithful King!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Memories

Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012

(1954 photo of Mom, Dad, me, Mona, & Peter ... Beattie was in CA with her family.)

I have been preoccupied lately with thoughts of my parents and two sisters. Many people hate certain holidays because they mark the passing of loved ones, and the pain is too great. If that were true, I would despise Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, and my birthday celebrations. However, I now mark these same holidays as special moments to remember. Dad died shortly after New Year’s Day of 1982. Mona died shortly before Thanksgiving of 1999, Mom died 9 days before Christmas of 2006, and Beattie died in August of 2007, about one month after my birthday. I miss each of them, regardless of how long ago they died. But I refuse to allow missing them mar my Giving Thanks for their influence in my life!

Thanksgiving was always Mona’s favorite holiday, which I recall each Thanksgiving. One year, Sunday, November 22 marked a special reading in Disciplines (Upper Room devotional). I had shared it with Mona because of two sentences: “You showed me that at the center of the universe is not blind fate but a heart of love.” and ending with, “Enable me to refer to you my every concern and to offer you my every action so that loving you will be my deepest motive and serving you the ultimate objective in all that I do.” Those statements personified her life then, and create joy in mine each year.

That was the week of Mona’s last Thanksgiving. Her funeral was just prior to the holiday, on Monday, Nov. 22, 1999. But that reading had so impacted me that I kept it, inserting it into each successive Disciplines book for the following year. Eacy November 22 I read it anew, and thank God for my sister. I re-read it this morning.

Thursday, November 22, 2007 marked the day of both Mom’s and Beattie’s first Thanksgiving in Heaven. Re-reading the Disciplines quote gave me yet another smile of memory.

This morning’s reading from the Disciplines for 2012, I find: “We give thanks for the double harvest” of both physical and spiritual food, plenteous to all.” I find my double harvest overflows in heart and mind, in life itself.

Happy Thanksgiving, no matter WHAT your circumstances may be!!

I thank my God for you, every time I think of you!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Quite a number of years ago, when I began writing, I was thinking, “Judy Bloom, move over!” But more frequently, what curled from my pen were words of praises to the Lord.

Most stories developed into Sunday School take-home papers. Poetry and devotions found their way into Christian magazines such as Alive Now and Devo’Zine, or into my book, I Will Not Be Silent, Praying the Psalms.

When God pops a few words or phrases into my head, I’d better hurry and write them down somewhere. I have learned to keep pen and paper around at all times. I often need to pull onto the side of the road to write the verses singing in my brain. Even in my “Quiet Times” I am sometimes pulled to jot a word or phrase. Later, they become another poem or devotion.

Expressing my thanks, praise, and concerns to my Lord is no longer just an option.

I encourage any aspiring writer to apply open heart and open mind to an open Bible. Once steeped in the WORD, then …. “Pick up thy pen and write.”

Are You Frosted?

 Are You Frosted?
Are you frosted about what someone did to you? Do you freeze them out whenever you see them?
Are you frosted, cold-hearted, afraid to trust God?
Either way, I bet you are feeling uncomfortable. What would it take to warm you again?
God's love is warming, comforting, freeing. Give Him a try. Find a church.
Join others in worship, sing the songs, pray the prayers, listen with your heart.
Then, at home, give Him a try. Open your Bible. 
Read about Jesus in the New Testament. Read the Psalms.
Notice that the Psalmist felt free to say anything and everything to God.
Those Psalms that seem to whine? They always end up remembering God's blessings in the past,
look forward to when God's favor will shine again.
In this coming season of winter, DON'T be "frosted" with God. Let Him warm you!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Is It About Me?

This is to inform you that We have this month as payment credit instruction from the central bank of Benin Republic to credit your account contract funds from the Benin Rep reserve account with our bank diamond bank of Cotonou Benin. This is to notify you that your funds $1.8Millions US Dollars has been programmed for immediate release VIA ATM MASTER CARD.

They only ask for my name, address, age, occupation, next of kin, and verifiable ID. As soon as I give them this info, they assure me that within 4 hours they will make out an ATM Master Card in my name for $1.8 mil, accessible at $800 per day.

This makes the third such bonus I have received. Amazing.

The ONLY accessible ATM MASTER card I could ever want is:  AT My Master's (feet)!
And that Master Card is accessible daily for much more than $800!.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I began writing, thinking, “Judy Bloom, move over!” But more frequently, what curled from my pen were words of praises to the Lord.

Most stories developed into Sunday School take-home papers. Poetry and devotions found their way into Christian magazines such as Alive Now and Devo’Zine, or into my book, I Will Not Be Silent, Praying the Psalms.

When God pops a few words or phrases into my head, I’d better hurry and write them down somewhere. I have learned to keep pen and paper around at all times. Often I needed to pull into the side of the road to write the verses singing in my brain. Even in my “Quiet Times” I am sometimes pulled to jot a word or phrase. Later, they become another poem or devotion.

Expressing my thanks, praise, and concerns to my Lord is no longer just an option.

I encourage any aspiring writer to apply open heart and open mind to an open Bible. Once steeped in the WORD, then …. “Pick up thy pen and write.”

Friday, August 24, 2012

Be Careful

Would be great if this had been sent by God. But ....


Your funds payment of $1,500,000.00 USD has been approve by UNITED NATIONS (UN)

Name, Address & Phone Number to Mrs. Franca Lee, via
Or Call: +6010 3770 946

Yours truly,
Temp Fred
For: Western Union® Payment Center

Loved her email address : “wumpt” If I’d responded, I’d have been “wumped” for sure!!!!
Take Care of offers that seem “too good to be true!”

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
I find this picture uplifting, bringing the eyes upwards to the heavens. 
We live in the valley below. Sometimes we look to the mesa-moments in our background for inspiration. But God asks us to look further, all the way up, to Him. Clouds drift away as His mercy pours forth, erasing our shadows.
Remember to thank Him.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Psalm 16:6  "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage."
Psalm 23: 6 "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

Looking back over my life so far, God has indeed placed my lines in pleasant places!! Of course the usual and normal problems have flitted through my life (the worst being times when both parents and two sisters died.) But I always knew they loved me. My parents gave me a goodly heritage and  brought me to God from my youth, building a firm foundation in the faith. 

Brother, husband, son, many nieces & nephews, plus quite a number in the next two generations are all still alive and enjoying life. Many dear friends spice my life as well. 

My God and my church have been hugely important throughout. My profession (teaching elementary school, retired) gives fond memories. My avocation (writing) brings me great delight.

What more could I want?

Surely, His goodness and mercy will continue to bless me for the rest of my days. Dwelling with Him, I rest assured that when troubles come, as they always do, He will be there to show me the pathway through to more of those "pleasant places" he has prepared for me.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My friend, Eileen, has graciously allowed me to post her story about the turtle in her back pasture. I was unable to copy the pictures, but the story is still rather amazing.

Mother Turtle  

Holly, our miniature pinscher, and I hadn’t gone for a walk lately, but I didn’t want to take time to drive her into town to go for a walk. I decided to take her for a quick walk in the pasture behind the house.
We walked around the dried up pond in the pasture, and Holly got excited as we climbed the embankment west of the house. There was an 8”-10” red ear slider turtle sitting there. Holly wanted to attack it, but I realized it was probably laying eggs.

I dragged Holly in the house, against her will and came back with my camera. The turtle was so intent on her task, she ignored me and my camera.

I noticed the turtle was digging in moist soil, but the ground is very dry, due to lack of rain. She must have carried the water in her body and released it to moisten the soil.

I watched as she completed digging a hole, about an inch across and as deep as she could reach, about four to five inches. She reached her back right foot into the hole and brought up a handful of dirt, about a teaspoonful. Then she stretched her left foot into the hole and brought up another handful of dirt. She continued patiently digging until the hole was deep enough, when she could dig no deeper.
She laid a grape tomato sized egg and pushed it to the bottom of the hole. After a few seconds, she laid another egg. I watched her lay about 5 eggs and then cover them with soil she’d dug out of the hole.

I marked the site with a broken brick. The eggs should hatch in 60-90 days.

The more I see of God’s creation, the more I’m in awe of His work and attention to detail.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

   Psalm 107: 43 (NLT) "Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord."

     This was written about the early Israelities. Their history abunds with the faithful love of Yaweh. Through Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David ... on in a direct line to Jesus.
     Is it any the less true of our own country? We began with colonists seeking freedom of religion. Individuials wished to worship God in ways that were most meaningful to them.
     The Declaration of Independence states that we are endowed by God with certain inalienable rights. The Constitutiion discusses freedom of religion, and separation of the rule of the nation from the church. The pledge to the flag says we are "One nation, under God."
     Our history began with men who held to strong Christian values. The strength of our nation is punctuated with events clearly filled with God's faithful love.
     While the Israelites remained faithful, their nation prospered. When their leaders followed God's lead, they were successful.But as the Israelities fell away, as their leaders followed other gods, their nation declined.
     The leaders in the United States have frequently come close to denying God's exixtence. There is a trend regarding omitting the "One nation, under God." from the pledge. Christians have become a minority. It has become fashionable to bash Christianity as "narrow-minded." Christians are scorned, and considered "non-PC" (not "politically correct").
     And that is the problem. "Political" sems to be the operative word in today's world. The word LORD has bcome the new four-letter curse.
     Our nation is declining. Are we all asleep?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wrath of God?

Since this picture came to me through Facebook, I figure I can use it.

Does this seem like the Wrath of God? Heavy, black, and oppressive.
If so, then the light gleaming in the distance would remind me of His grace.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me."
He doesn't just stand at the other end, beckoning to me.
He doesn't make me walk through anything alone.
He walks WITH me!
What an awesome God!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Fair on the Hill

Today, at the Chapel on the Hill, we had our annual Fair on the Hill. This even serves various missions of the church. The Youth Group (Impact) earned funds for their mission trp coming up in another week or so. Vendors displayed a wide variety of items. I showed (& sold) copies of my book. I'm not sure which ministry the general Fair funds supported this year, but it's always a great cause. I must admit, I purchased a few things. (Who can abstain??) Spent more that I earned, of course.

Great fun, great items. I'm already looking forward to next year's.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lift your eyes unto the hills
From whence cometh thy help.
I know I have used this photo before, but it is so very appropriate. This is La Chappelle, in Paris. One's eyes are drawn upward, which is the way we should be.

Today, during my Quiet Time, I asked for God to open my heart. Each portion of my reading responded.

The Psalm for today was Psalm 64. When finished, my eyes drifted down to Psalm 65:1-2. As The Message put it, "Silence is praise to you, Zion-dwelling God, and also obedience. You hear the prayer in it all."

Usually I use the NLT or NASB translation, neither of which resonated as TM did!!

Another reading for today was in Proverbs. Once again, TM came through: v.5: "Trust God from the bottom of your heart, don't try to figure out everything on your own.

I DEFINITELY received my answers!!  Thank You, Lord.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Up in the Air

Have you ever thought you were running around, up in the air, with your head cut off?
The "What if" of my husband's minor stoke had me feeling a bit like that.
Up in the air about "What if" it had been a major stroke.
"What if" he was irreprably damaged.
"What if" he was angry about my nagging him about taking his medications, doing his exercises, or going for more doctor appointmenst? (I DID plan on nagging, if need be.)
Up in the air about what his restrictions might be.

However, God carried the day.
He did NOT have a major stroke.
He IS expected to improve steadiness, and balance, and strength.
I do NOT have to nag at all, as he is quick to remind me!
There have been almost NO restrictions (beyond having me at home, carry a cell phone & use a cane on his walks.) And so far, his walks have been uneventful .... the best possible outcome.

My head is firmly on my shoulders again. I am on terra firma, and standing tall in my faith.
Thank You, Lord!!!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

In the storms of the night,
I know You are there.
In the storms of my life,
You comfort me.
You hold me through
The storms of despair,
And I praise You, Lord,
For You are my GOD!

Yesterday my husband was blessed with a “wake up call” of only a very minor stroke. He is in the hospital, already beginning the healing process. Thank You, Lord!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Lord's Plans

The Lord’s Plans

(Jeremiah 29)

“Now hear of the plans that

I have for your life,” said

My Master and Savior.

“I’ve no plan to harm you,

But plans for great hope, and

A prosperous future.

“Come call upon Me, and

Please lift up your prayers, for

I’m waiting to listen.”

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

God's Promise

I view this picture as both God's anger and His promise.

The rumbles of thunder were fierce. Sky went from sunset colors to dark within moments. Then, this huge, dark cloud appeared. God's anger. I quickly drove into a parking lot in order to grab my camera. By that time it had already changed character, and whitened. At first I'd thought I was taking a picture of that light cloud in the darkened sky, which in itself looked amazing, as if God had changed His mind. "His anger is but for a moment."

It was after I'd lowered the camera that I saw the rainbow reaching down. God's promise remembered.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Something for Nothing

Something for Nothing?

I received an exciting phone call this morning. It was an answer to prayer, to overflowing! A Senior representative of the Federal Reserve phoned to explain there was a cashier’s check in my name waiting at the US Customs Office. I was the sole beneficiary of the 2.5 million dollar jackpot. All I needed to do now was to purchase the necessary “gold certificate stamp,” and await receipt of my package. Did I understand?

I told him, “Yes, I understand … and it sounds like a scam to me.” and I hung up.

The only “Something for Nothing” REAL DEAL is Jesus. It’s HIS something, and MY nothing! He gave His all: the agony of the scourging, the spit upon His face, the nails into His hands and feet, the hanging on the cross, His very life! He gave His all, so that I might live with Him. “All” I must do is believe.

I’ll take it!! Thank You, Jesus!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coming Attractions

As a Young Child

As a young child, I held onto my father’s hand
Crossing the busy thoroughfare.
Now I reach out, and put my life in Your hands,
Trusting that You will lead me home.

I am reminded of all the babies in the "Coming Attractions" mode. A niece is expecting her second child in October. A grand-niece is expecting her second boy in mid-April. Another grand-niece is expecting her first child in May. These little ones aren't yet holding onto Father's hand. But I know their earthly fathers already love them. I know their Heavenly Father is currently telling each, "I am knitting you together in your mother's womb."

How precious are the children!! Thank You, Lord.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Waters

Where are you on the Water scene? Are you on the rickety dock, slowly inching down to be washed clean? Are you in a boat, waiting for the Savior to calm the waters of your life? Are you in the slimy section, being covered with the growth of past sins? Or are you on the grass, satisfied with your life, and content to just look out at the rest of the world. 

Come on, jump right in! The water's fine!  Jesus is the Lifeguard, and He is waiting to teach you how to swim. His arms will hold you up so you can breathe the cool, fresh air.

Trust Him. He won't let you down.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What a Wonder

Isn't it amazing? There's nothing like a whale-watch excursion to give one the feeling of "WOW!" These creatures of God's are huge, graceful, and playful. On our whale-watch, the captain stopped the boat for a full thirty minutes, as three or four whales played with us. They swam under, and around, the boat, often breaching so closely they moistened us with their spray. What wonderful creatures!

We, too, are creatures of God. We also have our times to be playful. We find joy in our environment, and in company with one another. What wonderful friends we have!

God's grace washes over us each time we confess and repent. God's Living Water refreshes us as we meet Him in the Word. He speaks with us when we go to Him in prayer. What a wonderful God!

Friday, March 2, 2012

God's Miracles

Some years ago a deer bounded into my car. God’s miracle that morning was that I emerged unscathed. The only problem was shattered glass in my hair, in my clothing, and all the way to the back seat of the car. Elevated blood pressure calmed by the second time the EMT applied the cuff.

      Last Sunday I was reminded of God’s more recent miracles. The day before Thanksgiving, a friend fell in the shower. This showed God’s blessing, since in checking him out, the doctors discovered a cancerous brain tumor. After two surgeries, he is in a “wait and see” pattern, possibly not even needing any further treatment. God’s Miracle indeed! Last Sunday, we were treated by hearing this man’s beautiful voice once again vibrantly singing a hymn of praise.
      Another Miracle: a friend lay in a coma. Her daughter made arrangements to visit, not knowing if she’d be in time to say goodbye before a funeral. However, God’s miracle woke my friend, had her sit up, get up, leave the hospital. Sunday she attended church, in time to hear the previously mentioned hymn of praise. This woman’s face glowed with her praise of her Lord.
      A third Miracle: In October, a dear friend had serious back surgery. From the moment she woke after surgery, she has experience no pain. Yes, muscles tire easily, but that is being treated with therapy. She can stand, walk, enjoy life once again.
      God’s miracles abound. We just need to notice them, and praise Him.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Before They Call

(Isaiah 55:24)


I had not yet called out to You --

But I felt Your Presence

Calling out to me.

My mind was forming the question

As the Spirit whispered

What was in my heart.

I spoke the words of fear,

Of worries, hope, despair --

With overflowing tears.

Still praying, I was calmed.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Praise Him IN All Circumstances!

Is God looking foggy to you right now? Does He seem lost to you? Might it be your own perspective that is foggy?

Sometimes I think God hides in plain sight. However, His Living Water continually laps against the beaches of our soul, wearing away the grit of our sin.

Step back, and look at the the bridge God has built between us and His mainland. With outstretched arms, Jesus is waiting to help each traveler across. Though we see but dimly now, the Son IS shining behind those clouds of circumstance.

Thank You, Lord, for providing the cleansing waters. Than You for providing our Bridge.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I wish to have a well-lived life, as did my mother. This picture, one month prior to her death, shows her alertness, her a huge smile, and her twinkling eyes. She was small in stature, but mighty in influence. She was instrumental in leading me to God. Her faith was unshakable, through thick or thin. She was never "things oriented," but God & His people-oriented, and she taught me to be likewise. 
     Mother modeled to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren how to live a life of joy. Sping cleaning has a meaning of its own for me. Cupboards, walls, all nooks and crannies, and even the basement floor, received her attention. Summertime, every visitor drank the treat of chocolate malts in the special wavy-green glasses. In autumn, the Packers never had a more fervent supporter, and her yells of "Go, Baby, Go!!!" on a good run became legendary within the family. Wintertime, she would bundle up and join her family making snowmen. In all seasons, the smells of fresh cookies or of bread baking still evoke fond memories of Mother!
     A well-lived life, full of joy. At peace with God until the end. Who could ever ask for more?

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Twisted Tree

This tree reminds me of my life. Often we go to the right, or to the left of center. But, hopefully, I return my focus on the Sonshine, and redirect myself.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I Will Not Be Silent, Praying thePsalms, is available through
Amazon (  and through
At Amazon, you are able to view selected pages.
Ditto at Barnes & Noble (if you have an account there.)

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Book for You

If you've not read the book Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand, you are missing something!
This tells the story of Louis Zamperini, a WWII vet who spent 2 1/2 years in a Japanese prison camp. He was rescued in 1945, and his hero status lasted a short time. He had many reasons to be bitter and cynical. However ....

God rescues!

I can not be silent about this one, either!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Check it out!

I Will Not Be Silent / Praying the Psalms

Proverbs 22:17, 19  NIV
"Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise;
apply your heart to what I teach.

So that your trust may be in the Lord,
I teach you today.
Even you."

Even ME, Lord?

Yes, even you, my child. Even you.

Friday, January 6, 2012

I Will Not Be Silent by Sharon D. Dexter

I Will Not Be Silent, Praying the Psalms by Sharon D. Dexter is now available through

All pathways wind around boulder-sized problems, past treacherous crevasses of decisions, through dark valleys of sin, and across arid desert times of turning away, as well as over lush hills of obedience. But through it all, our Lord walks with us. God offers holy support, whether we choose to accept it or not. He yearns to hear our prayers.

In the good times, we find it easy to sing our praises and to thank the Lord. But let us not be silent during the difficult times. Remember to praise with the promises and thank our God in all circumstances. Fill your prayers with thanksgiving for blessings.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Echo of a Prayer

Echo of The Prayer

“Our Father,”
The congregation, standing, intones
“Who art in heaven,”
Wait … Do you hear them?
“Hallowed be Thy name.”
The echoes, in the background?
“Thy kingdom come,”
Is that an echo from the catacombs?
“Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.”
Do you hear them?
Simon Peter’s baritone? Timothy’s young tenor?
“Give us this day our daily bread.”
There .. another.
I know I heard my father’s voice.
“And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.”
And my sister, who died several years ago.
“Lead us not into temptation.”
Voices mingle, blend, rise
“But deliver us from evil.”
Together, past and present, we crescendo:
“For THINE is the kingdom,
And the power,
And the glory … FOREVER!”

Silence speaks.
Then, breathlessly, we whisper,